The department conducts Short Term Courses in science, and interdisciplinary areas of science and engineering. The major emphasis of these courses is to develop scientific temper, orientation and training of applied science, and engineering teachers toward better understanding of technical and engineering education system as well as technical skills. The major areas of training undertaken by the department are:
- Applied physics for engineers
- Computer applications in physics.
- Energy harvesting devices
- Energy storage devices
- Engineering applications of mathematics
- Engineering physics
- Fiber optic tests and measurements
- Integral transforms with engineering applications.
- Laboratory organization and updating in applied physics.
- Laser science and technology
- Materials characterization techniques
- Mathematical programming and engineering
- Nanoscience and nanotechnology
- Nuclear energy and power
- Nuclear radiations and their applications
- Nuclear techniques and instrumentation.
- Numerical methods with MATLAB.
- OFC networks and systems
- Operations research
- Optimization techniques
- Quantum and energy materials: Potential and applications
- Sensors technology
- Smart materials and nanotechnology
- Thin films and their applications
In addition, the department is active in development of instructional material both print and non-print, teaching aids, demonstration models, lab manuals and undertake research studies to identify the corrective actions to be taken for improving the effectiveness of applied science subjects in technical education system.